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All WORKNC software products were originally developed for the mold, die and tooling industry...
Cutting complex shapes quickly in tough materials and interpreting and manipulating large CAD files are common requirements in this sector.
WORKNC has powerful CAD tools for importing data, repairing and analyzing surfaces, creating split lines and modifying geometry ready for manufacture. Machining operations can take many forms, but all are geared towards simple operation, fast and efficient machining, collision avoidance and high quality surface finish. For example, trochoidal machining paths enable rapid machining of hard materials using high speed machine tools, while at the same time contributing to improved surface finish and longer tool life.
Special modules facilitate the programming of wire erosion machines and the extraction, machining, and positioning of electrodes.
WORKPLAN, the ERP manufacturing management solutions are designed for custom manufacturing and are tailored to suit the activities of mold, die and tooling manufacturers. Covering all aspects of the enterprise from quotation through to delivery and after sales service, the software monitors the complete lifecycle of the job, checking performance against the original plan to maximize profitability.