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Break through into the world of micro-profiles Easily—and with extreme repeatability—deliver the perfect machining accuracy your ICT and automotive customers demand. Meeting their stringent quality requirements for electronic components is a snap, thanks to the high-precision AgieCharmillesFORM S 350 sinker EDM solution. Exceed your customers’ expectations and profit from its state-of the art design with onboard power generation system, accuracy-enhancing stability and thermostabilization, and productivity-boosting machining quality.
With this sinker solution’s new discharge circuit for spark erosion power modulation and the flexibility to maximize material removal, you can reach unprecedented levels of quality and efficiency. Finishing details are achieved by reducing the spark gap to just a few microns.
Workshop temperature fluctuation will never impact your part machining precision, thanks to this die-sinking electrical discharge machining (EDM) solution’s dual thermostabilization system. It is a major innovation when working close to micron dimensions.
Experience superior mechanical stability and precision across the life of the die-sinking EDM machine, thanks to its short C axis construction and oversize cast iron frame. As a result, your accuracy is uncompromised by part weight or dielectric volume and your precision is further advanced.
To obtain reliable positioning accuracy, only linear glass scales are effective. They eliminate all the classic errors, such as backlash, expansion and wear effects. The axis servo control system developed by GF Machining Solutions for die-sinking EDM machines is a closed loop measurement solution designed to provide infallible accuracy, whatever the travel.
Get a flexible tool guaranteeing desired surface texture in die sinking electrical discharge machining with our 3DS technology. It saves maintenance costs by minimizing residue accumulation on molds and reducing friction and ejection forces, so you get higher productivity and flexibility, greater end product quality, more process repeatability, and homogeneity of granularity.
GF Machining Solutions’ iQ (innovation + Quality) and iGap (intelligent gap, achieving a smaller, therefore more precise, side gap at higher speed) innovations help overcome these disadvantages by enabling machining with virtually zero wear when using graphite electrodes.