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Today, a machine 'knows' which order it is currently processing, how quickly it is producing and what malfunctions are occurring. With the manufacturing data collection from Quinx AG, the production data is collected, processed and made available to the relevant person in real-time. For this reason, the MDC 4000 serves many other applications: Maintenance, tool management, CAQ, energy management etc.
With the calculation tool you can calculate online the price of the MDC for your own factory. To the calculator...
For the plant manager, the manufacturing data acquisition solution MDC 4000 is an important control instrument. Wherever he is, he can see the current status of each system. For example, the OEE is continuously updated and shows the overall system effectiveness. The MDC 4000 facilitates multi-machine operation and unmanned operation. This is because, depending on the event, it automatically alerts the relevant persons by SMS or e-mail.
Various reports and analyses provide reliable and transparent information about the last weeks and months. The MDC 4000 machine monitoring system is the ideal tool for increasing productivity.
The MDC System 4000 can be combined with the JOBDISPO production planning software. The planner sees in real time whether the machine is running and which order is currently being processed.
The machine data acquisition software MDC 4000 is an open system. The production data is stored in a Microsoft SQL database. It can be easily integrated into an ERP system. This enables a post calculation of orders based on real machine running times.
Well-known companies already rely on the figures from the MDC 4000 today: Profiroll, Cadence Aerospace, ATI Allvac, Trumpf or ETO Magnetic.